On Assisted Dying

Lauren Alexander is the Director of Finance and Corporate Services for Build Nova Scotia. Lauren has been part of the L’Arche Canada Foundation Board of Directors since 2021. Lauren also serves on the Board of Directors as Treasurer for the Zatsman Sportsplex, a local non-profit Multi-District facility in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, and may be found volunteering with various organizations that her son is apart of.


When communities welcome the contributions of persons with intellectual and other disabilities, they thrive, and we all benefit from a more vibrant, creative, and compassionate society.
L’Arche was founded to be a safe place where people who are vulnerable and marginalized discover respect and valued belonging. The name L’Arche, after Noah’s ark, was chosen to represent this promise. The current L’Arche logo shows each person with a place in the boat of equal dignity and value. These values are fundamental to the vision and mission of L’Arche for all who participate in our life and for the world.
Our commitment to respect all individuals, to prevent abuse, discrimination and harassment, and to provide support and intervention when required.
Posted 2018-03-08
On February 8, members of L’Arche attended an “in person” session of the accessibility consultation, as several L’Arche folk from other communities had done in their cities.