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Re-discover title
L’Arche Canada wants to communicate with Alumni! This alumni focus is part of our leadership model based on our core values. Together, we have determined that our culture needs to shift in several important ways, including more appreciation for and valuing of those who come to support core members.
The appreciation does not need to stop because people leave our communities. We want to begin to effectively engage the thousands of former assistants to both support and inspire them in their life’s journey and to encourage them to support and inspire L’Arche.
L’Arche can be relevant as a source of inspiration and guidance to those living out their life’s journey beyond our communities. Likewise, alumni who carry the vision and charism of L’Arche deep in their hearts after living an authentic experience have much to give back to support those of us who are still living in community. This is true whether an individual’s experience was for 2 months or over 20 years, whether recently or long ago.
L'Arche Canada
 Group of people jumping with enthusiasm
Help L’Arche in Recruiting Assistants
The 30 communities of L’Arche Canada are always looking for new assistants. Can you think of relatives, friends, colleagues or neighbours who might want to join L’Arche to learn, share life and support the Mission of L’Arche in our homes or programs? If so, please direct them to the L’Arche Canada website at www.larche-work.ca. You can also help to spread the word about L’Arche Canada by joining us on social media!
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News from Alumni!
“As an assistant at L’Arche, I was fortunate to experience deep and warm relationships that developed quickly. We had to face the many challenges of everyday life with their share of joy or sadness. I left L’Arche with a new perspective on life and a more welcoming view of challenges and unexpected events. I felt more peaceful, more tolerant, more patient and more human. L’Arche has had an effect that continues to this day in my daily life.”– Niko, pilot
What impact has L’Arche had on your life? What are you doing now? If you are a former L’Arche Canada assistant, we would love to hear your story! Contact Elizabeth at enash@larche.ca
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Keep the connection!
ConneXions is L’Arche Canada’s monthly e-mail review of news, stories, and commentary about what is happening in L’Arche, with our partners, and within Canadian society. Be informed, challenged and inspired! Subscribe here. www.larche.ca/en/connexions
Louis Pilotte
New National Leader
L’Arche Canada is pleased to welcome Louis Pilotte, long-term member of L’Arche and former National Leader of L’Arche France, as the National Leader of L’Arche Canada. Louis began in the role at the beginning of October 2018. We are grateful for his “yes” to this call to lead us in the mission and vision of L’Arche.
50th anniversary logo
50th Anniversary of L’Arche in Canada!
2019 marks the 50th Anniversary of the first community in Canada, L’Arche Daybreak. The theme of the year is Celebrate the Gift! Visit the online art show created for the celebrations! art.larche.ca You can also join us on L’Arche Canada’s Facebook group page.
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Discover L’Arche Canada Foundation
L’Arche Canada Foundation is the fundraising arm for L’Arche. The mission is to inspire Canadians to invest in a better quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities. To donate or to learn more, click here: www.larchefoundation.ca/
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L'Arche Canada
500, boul. Gouin Est, bureau 205
Montréal, H3L 3R9

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